Friday, June 19, 2009

How to poll a Linux Based Router for NetDisco

We wanted to use NetDisco to monitor/manage our network, but our main router is a Linux box with a couple of interfaces. NetDisco won't poll the Linux Router without a slight modification.

Here are the steps:

1. Install net-snmp packages on your Linux Router, refer to your distro's instructions for how to do this.

2. Configure net-snmp so you can poll it, is a good how-to.

3. Test your configuration: From the netdisco server run: snmpwalk -v 1 -c

If this returns results, you're in business.

4. On your Linux Router, add sysservices 76 to snmpd.conf and restart snmpd.

5. Discover the device in NetDisco, use the web interface or run: /usr/local/netdisco/netdisco -d it should be able to poll it now.

If NetDisco fails to poll you Linux router, check your community string settings and make sure everything matches.

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